Highlights from the 2024 Philippines medical mission trip

Photo from the 2024 medical mission trip in the Philippines - shows a large group of people under a tent waiting to be seen by doctors and nurses.

I had the most AMAZING time during the 2024 Philippines medical mission and was honored to be a part of a wonderful team who had such a heart to serve and love those who need it most. As a first missions trip, it was incredibly eye opening and I took every opportunity to immerse myself into the culture, be willing to say YES! to every challenge and adventure, and be open to what God wanted to teach me during my trip.

There are so many highlights from the Philippines medical mission.. how could I possibly narrow it down to the top 3 to share? Thankfully, there will be plenty more content to come, but for now here are a few of my key highlights from the 2024 Philippines medical mission. 


Highlight #1 – The culture

Unlike much of the Western world, the Philippines has a strong culture of honour, respect and community. It was a privilege to experience this and it got me thinking about how we interact with each other in Australia; especially how I interact with those around me.

Scripture tells us clearly to “honor one another above yourselves” (Romans 13:1). I felt challenged to go deeper and to foster this culture of honour in my own life, and I am thankful for that.

Highlight #2 – The landscape

As a country, the Philippines is breathtaking; beautiful blue water, luscious green hills, sandy beaches and full of vibrant colour. One of my highlights of the Philippines medical mission was being able to spend time enjoying God’s creation. God hand crafted everything we see around us and it all sings of His glory and majesty.

Psalm 23:2 says “He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.” I think of this verse often as I’m out in nature, surrounded by His creation. Unlike being in the busy city, being in the Philippines, surrounded by the water and mountains, was so rejuvenating for my soul. Where do you think I should travel next?


Highlight #3 – Being able to meet practical needs

Being the hands and feet of Jesus and being able to meet the practical needs of the people in the Philippines had to be my top highlight. Blessing and helping those who need it most was so incredibly rewarding, and it’s the reason we even go on a missions trip in the first place, right? There are many people in third world countries who have no access to doctors or the medication they need. 

Proverbs 11:25 talks about how “Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” As we pour out to others, God promises to pour back into us – how precious!

While we meet many of the physical needs of the Filipinos, we can also meet the spiritual needs (which is the most important). Sharing the love of Jesus is the reason we do what we do; our physical bodies are perishing, so while it’s good to help take care of them in the here and now, we know we need to have a focus on the eternal spirit. Seeing hundreds come to know Jesus was incredible, and I can wait to go back to do this again. 

Final thoughts

In whatever capacity we can, whether overseas or in our own neighborhood, we should always strive to love and serve others. We should also enjoy the beauty of creation around us; appreciate the small things and let Him restore us. Finally, embrace a culture of respect and honour. Each and every person is a unique and wonderful creation, made in the image of God. Let’s love each other well, as God first loved us.

Looking for more?

If you want to hear more about my mission trip, head over to YouTube using the link below to watch the full episode. 

Written by gracebuckman

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