Single, sent & sanctified

Single, sent & sanctified Many people who are single feel like they are less than, unworthy or just in a waiting season until they are married. While I felt like this at times too, it’s just not true; we are single, sent & sanctified.  In case...

5 ways to put God first in the new year

5 ways to put God first in the new year Before we get into the 5 ways to put God first in the new year, it’s helpful to discuss why we would even want to put God first. When we become Christians, it’s no longer us that lives but Christ that lives in us. We are...

What does it mean to live a holy life?

What does it mean to live a holy life? Holiness is a word that is spoken about frequently in church but we don’t often have the opportunity to understand what it truly means. There are many words that we can describe to use God including good, merciful, gracious...

Knowing your worth as a Christian

Knowing your worth as a Christian What is our worth and where do we find it? When we talk about knowing our worth as a Christian, there are a few ways that we can think about it. For the most part, when we talk about someone’s worth we use adjectives – we...