Prophetic words about our future husband

For any woman who desires a godly marriage and family, getting prophetic words about our future husband is one of the most encouraging and exciting things we can experience. However, as great as it can be there can also be a danger behind it. If we put too much weight on a prophetic word, we can spend years chasing after and waiting for that man who matches it exactly. While yes, I do believe God has a specific man for us, we ultimately do have free will so choices that you (or they) make could stop that man from being your future husband.
In this article, I want to dive into what a prophecy is, how much weight should we put into it, and some other helpful tips and tricks. Are you ready? Let’s go!
What is a prophecy?
Prophecy was all throughout the Old Testament. There’s said to be over 300 prophecies about Jesus, a number of which he fulfilled on the day he was born. A prophetic word is when God reveals something to someone who is filled with the Holy Spirit. God will often reveal something about your future and give you a glimpse into that through the other person.
Prophecy should always be edifying and encouraging and will always speak to God’s best for you. Your ‘destiny’ is where God is calling you too and it could be 1 year in the future, 5 years, or even 20 years. Many people have received prophetic words when they were young teens and not seen it come to fruition until much later in their lives. Prophetic words are a beautiful gift from God.
How do we know if a prophecy is accurate?
The Bible clearly tells us to test prophecy. When Paul is talking about prophecy in 1 Corinthians, in verse 29 he says “let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.” This reminds us that prophets don’t normally operate by themselves and that those surrounding them in the body of Christ should be judging what is prophesied.
In 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21 we also read “Do not quench the Spirit. Do not despise prophecies, but examine all things; hold fast to what is good.” We are commanded not to quench or refuse the gifts on the Spirit, but instead, hold fast to what is good. For those of us who have received a poor excuse of a “prophecy,” we should not let ourselves become negative or cynical. Instead of automatically discrediting the work of the Spirit, the solution is to test it. This certainly applies to prophetic words about our future husband!
So if the Bible tells us to test prophecy, how should we actually do it? As Christians, we have the Holy Spirit inside us. One of the incredible gifts of the Spirit is discernment, which is the ability to judge and distinguish between the influence of God, the world of Satan. Equipped with the Spirit, we can ask “is it God? Is it in line with His nature? Does scripture confirm it? Does it edify? Does it bear good fruit?” Often you’ll find that if a prophecy doesn’t sit right in your stomach, that’s the discernment kicking in.
What should we do while we wait?
So, you’ve gotten a prophecy about Mr. Right.. but what’s next? Do we just wait for the prophecy to happen? Do we do everything in our power to make it happen faster? What should we actually do while we wait?
Tip #1 – Pray, pray, pray!
Prayer has got to be one of the most powerful tools in the waiting. Prayer is an excellent way for us to connect and build relationship with God. When we pray, God listens to us, so why not pray about your future husband and the word you’ve gotten!
You can pray a prayer of protection over your future spouse, ask God to prepare your heart and mind in the waiting, or just start to have a conversation with him about your thoughts and feelings.
Tip #2 – Fast
Did you know that the Bible says “when” you fast, not “if?” Similar to prayer, fasting is one of the most powerful ways to connect with God, seek His plan your life, and surrender yourself to Him. There are many benefits of fasting, but some include getting spiritual clarity, renewing your faith, cleansing of our soul and a denying of our flesh. All of this ultimately brings us into closer relationship with God.
If fasting isn’t something you’ve ever done before, considering starting with a one day fast. Spend the time you’d normally spend eating in the word and in prayer. Ask God what he wants of you in the coming season, if there’s anything he wants to reveal to you, or how you can best prepare for your future spouse.
Tip #3 – Prepare
It’s one thing to just sit and wait for a prophecy to come to pass, but what are you doing to prepare in the meantime? Preparation is key!
There are many things that you can do to start preparing, but one of the best places to start is spending time alone with God and in His word. The more you know God and experience His love for you, the more you will grow in your spiritual walk. In your quiet time, ask God for wisdom about how you can prepare yourself for marriage. Read books that will help equip you for marriage and seek godly counsel around you.
Tip #4 – Trust God’s timing
Proverbs 3:5-6 says “trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” It’s so important for us to trust God and submit all of our thoughts, plans and dreams to Him. When it comes to marriage, it can be easy for us to want to take it all into our own hands. However, we must remember that God is in control. His timing and His plan for your marriage is perfect. Trust in that.
Tip #5 – Surround yourself with great friends
Good, godly friends are one of the biggest blessings in life. They are particularly special when you are in a season of singleness and waiting for that special person to come along.
While you wait for your husband, surround yourself with Christians who will encourage you and strengthen you in your faith.
So, should we listen to prophetic words about our future husband?
Given everything we’ve gone through above, I’d say yes, we can listen to prophetic words about our future husband. BUT, test it, pray about it, ensure you don’t just take someone’s word for it. It’s important to pray, fast, prepare, trust God’s timing and to surround yourself with Christian friends while you’re in the waiting.

Written by gracebuckman
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Love this !
I was given a prophetic word by a lady and she told me what my husband looked like and when I would meet him (season and year). I’ve never experienced this before in my entire life. I have grown close to Christ over the last 2 years. I’ve been praying to the Lord for conformation. This woman was not In the church when she revealed this to me. She told me she was a pastor and I’ve never seen her in my life. She knew things about me such as my profession and details about my last marriage that ended in a divorce.
Wow, that is big! Early on in my walk I did a prophetic teaching school and one of the guidelines they gave us was to not prophesy about “mates, dates or babies” and I totally understand why they say this. It can be really disappointing if it doesn’t come to pass. Praying for your discernment and wisdom around this word.